Petrol and Diesel cars to be banned in the UK by 2040

Petrol and Diesel vehicles up more than 98% of the cars in The UK, with the 2% being electric cars. As electric cars are getting more efficient and the becoming cheaper, the market place has been steadily increasing. The UK government seems to support this change by banning petrol or diesel based cars by 2040.
This not only encourages new potential car buyers to buy an electric car, it also encourages manufacturers to put more focus into producing more cheaper and better electric cars.Image result for tesla electric car
Why the Change?
The UK government is in an effort to control air pollution. Petrol or Diesel based cars produce a lot of toxins and harmful gases as exhaust. With the increase in car sales, the atmospheric pollution is only bound to get worse over time.
What are these harmful gases released into the air by petrol and diesel cars?
Conventional cars exhaust various types of gases such as,
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Sulfur dioxide etc.
These gases are extremely hazardous, as it can cause severe breathing problems. These toxins not only affects humans, but also any breathing living creature.
When do I have to convert to an electric car?
Before 2040 to be precise, this indicates that this is a gradual change. So, there will be a gradual decline of petrol or diesel models of cars available in the market and a gradual increase in electric car models available. Once it's 2040, no petrol or diesel based cars will be available in the market.
Electric car vs Fuel based car
There is a lot of benefits of having an electric car. To start with, it produces zero emission, meaning it doesn't exhaust any toxic gases into the atmosphere. Electric cars would also be cheaper once it hits the mainstream market.
And as far as mileage goes, an electric car released in 2012 can travel 335 km on one full charge. This is also bound to get better over time.
As far as pricing is considered, an electric car such as the Tesla model 3 costs around 35,000 US dollars. The price will also decrease once more and more company's release electric cars.
Is it worth the change?
Yes, it is. No matter what, electric cars are the future. Providing a cleaner and safer environment for generations to come. Also to point out is that petrol or diesel fuel is extracted from fossil fuels and these fossil fuel reserves are declining at an alarming rate. Many reports show at the current rate of consumption, we will run out of fossil fuels in a matter of few decades.
With these factors considered, a conversion to electric cars is important for atmosphere and the environment.


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