10 Facts about the Apollo 11's Historic Moon Landing

10 Facts about the Apollo 11's Historic Moon Landing:

1. Armstrong was the first human to step foot on the moon, but Aldrin holds the title as the first man to urinate on it. 

2. Aldrin and Armstrong reported that the moon smelled a bit like wet ashes and gunpowder.

3. Neil Armstrong’s mom single worry was that the lunar crust was too delicate and wouldn’t support her son’s weight when he walked on it.

4. The Apollo computers had less processing power than a cellphone.

5. Drinking water was a fuel-cell by-product, but Apollo 11's hydrogen-gas filters didn't work, making every drink bubbly.

6. Urinating and defecating in zero gravity had not been figured out; the latter was so troublesome that at least one astronaut spent his entire mission on an anti-diarrhea drug to avoid it.

7. The inner bladder of the space suits—the airtight liner that keeps the astronaut's body under Earth-like pressure—and the ship's computer's ROM chips were handmade by teams of "little old ladies."

8. President Nixon was prepared for the worst, as was his speechwriter William Safire. Safire put together a tribute to the Apollo 11 astronauts just in case they never made it home.

9. The mineral, armalcolite, discovered during the first Moon landing and later found at various locations on Earth, was named after the three Apollo 11 astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. 

10. After returning to Earth the astronauts were put in quarantine for three weeks for fear they may have brought back unknown pathogens from the Moon.


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