10 Facts about Cancer

10 facts about Cancer:

1. Those who sleep less than six hours a night are more likely to develop colon cancer than those who sleep more.

2. One in eight deaths in the world is due to cancer. Cancer causes more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.

3. Nitrates are chemical additives used to preserve and add flavouring to most lunch meats, including cold cuts and hot dogs. Once in the body, they react with body chemicals and turn into cancer-causing carcinogens. 

4. Cancer is not just one disease; rather it is a set of diseases. Different agents cause each type of cancer.

5. Childhood cancers represent less than 1% of all new cancer diagnoses, yet it is the second leading cause of death in children, second to accidents.

6. Professor Devra Davis argues that cancer research has been plagued by corporations and politicians manipulating and “fudging” data about cancer-causing toxins such as benzene and tobacco for money. Additionally, she argues that too much of the “War on Cancer” is misdirected by focusing more on treatment rather than on prevention.

7. Scientists claim that the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl produced the largest group of cancers in history from a single incident.

8. Breast cancer is considered a taboo in many Middle Eastern countries, and many women will not get tested because they fear being examined by male doctors.

9. Studies have found that intense calorie deprivation and stress can lead to a greater risk of developing cancer.

10. Pharmaceutical companies that market successful cancer drugs are some of the biggest corporations in the world and most drug shortages are due to corporate decisions to cut down on production caused by money or quality problems.


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