10 Facts about Moon

10 Facts about Moon:

1. The Moon is drifting away from the Earth:The Moon is moving approximately 3.8 cm away from our planet every year. It is estimated that it will continue to do so for around 50 billion years. By the time that happens, the Moon will be taking around 47 days to orbit the Earth instead of the current 27.3 days.

2. The Moon has only been walked on by 12 people; all American males:The first man to set foot on the Moon in 1969 was Neil Armstrong on the Apollo 11 mission, while the last man to walk on the Moon in 1972 was Gene Cernan on the 
Apollo 17 mission. Since then the Moon has only be visited by unmanned vehicles.

3. The Moon has quakes:These are caused by the gravitational pull of the Earth. Lunar astronauts used seismographs on their visits to the Moon and found that small moonquakes occurred several kilometres beneath the surface, causing ruptures and cracks. Scientists think the Moon has a molten core, just like Earth.

4. The first spacecraft to reach the Moon was Luna 1 in 1959:This was a Soviet craft, which was launched from the USSR. It passed within 5995 km of the surface of the Moon before going into orbit around the Sun.

5. The Moon will be visited by a man in the near future:NASA plans to return astronauts to the moon to set up a permanent space station. Mankind may once again walk on the moon in 2020's if all goes according to plan.

6. In a survey conducted in 1988, 13% of those surveyed believed that the moon is made of cheese.

7. It is possible to have a month without a full moon. This occurs in February, but either January or March will have two full moons.

8. The Apollo missions brought back 2196 rock samples weighing 382 kg in total

9. The moon's diameter is about 1/4 the diameter of the Earth. About 49 moons would fit inside the Earth.

10. When Alan Sheppard was on the moon, he hit a golf ball and drove it 2,400 feet, nearly one-half a mile.


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