10 Facts about Meryl Streep

10 facts about Meryl Streep:

1. Meryl Streep is an American actress and producer. A three-time Academy Award winner, she is widely regarded as one of the greatest film actors of all time

2. Instead of going to Yale for Drama, Streep originally planned on going to Law School. However, the morning of her interview, the future screen idol accidentally slept past her alarm clock. Meryl took it as a sign that her life was headed in a different direction. Good call.

3. Meryl Streep’s first role performance was in Julia in 1977, she was nominated for Oscar one year only after her first role, in the second film; The Deer Hunter in 1978.

4. Mamma Mia, which Streep refused her role in this film. But, director Phyllida Lloyd persuaded her claiming that she was perfect for this role because both of them are outsiders. Afterwards, Streep earned her third Oscar because of this role.

5. Meryl Streep had has a deviated septum. Although it’s easy for her to cure, she refuses to fix it.

6. In Evening Film (2007), Meryl Streep shared her daughter Mamie Gummer the same role but in different ages

7. She almost lost her first Oscar in a bathroom. 

8. She has her own day, May 27 was declared Meryl Streep Day in New York in 2004.

9. The 59-year-old is officially the world’s most nominated actress, on the shortlist for 14 Oscars and 23 Golden Globes. This year, she's nominated for her God-bothering role alongside Philip Seymour Hoffman in Doubt - rather than her hilarious Abba-singing, bed-bouncing turn in Mamma Mia!

10. As an actress, Streep is renowned for taking her roles very seriously. She learned to speak Polish for her role as a Polish Jew in Sophie’s Choice and spoke it so convincingly locals watching filming thought it was her first language.


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