10 Facts about Adolf Hitler

10 Facts about Adolf Hitler

1. Hitler spied on the Nazi Party before joining them. Then he realized that he shared the same anti-Semitic, nationalist and anti-Marxist views as the leader Anton Drexler and joined the Party, becoming their 55th member.

2. During his teens, Hitler dreamed of being an artist and was twice rejected from Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts (in both 1907 and 1908) due to “his unfitness for painting”.

3. Adolf Shicklgruber was his real name.

4. The vast majority of the 11million people killed during the Holocaust were murdered at the 1,200 Death and Concentration Camps established by the Nazis – yet Hitler never set foot in one of them.

5. Hitler was TIME Magazine’s Man Of The Year for 1938

6. Hitler wanted to become a priest when he was young.

7. He helped to implement laws which protected wild animals, chickens and cattle – and he intended to reduce Germany’s meat consumption after World War II.

8. Despite his attempt “to rid the world of Bolshevik Jewry”, Hitler demanded that artefacts, paintings and air-looms of any Jews murdered were retained, and put them in a museum called,"Museum Of An Extinct Race”.

9. Alongside Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler is among the names to have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

10. His personal physician, Dr Morell, recommended he be injected with extracts from bulls’ testicles and prostates in order to improve his diminishing libido.


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